Silver Pendant "Black Shark"
Pendant with a Shark Tooth, a wonderful Black Star, and a very rare piece of Moldavite (a Glassmeteorite).
Pendant size 4,2 cm long and 3,6 cm wide.
Black Star makes a good connection to the earth, and vibrates strongly within the base and earth chakras, and is an excellent spiritual grounding stone. This stone's energy may help to balance your aura and absorb a greater level of light energy within your etheric body.
Moldavite is a very interesting stone. As one of the oldest minerals on earth, the moldavite stone is believed to originate from outer space. The moldavite was formed by a meteorite impact located in the southern region of Germany about fifteen million years ago.
is believed that the moldavite is a catalyst for attracting light into your life. Additionally, the intense frequency of the moldavite provides strong power to the wearer.
Shark's teeth stand for their deep intuition power and the hidden meanings as it is composed of intense wisdom. It helps in the cognition of the wearer's spirit and assists him in communicating with the self. Although these attune the owner, its spiritual power assists the beings to enjoy its benefits.